Interested in joining or getting info on RCCR, our local radio
control club? If so, Click
or join us at our montly club meeting, guests welcome, normally
6:30pm on the following dates and locations:
Summer Meetings: Hasman outdoor flying field 5252 West Ridge
Rd. Spencerport NY; Time 6:30pm Dates: 6/10, 6/24.7/8, 7/22, 8/12,
Spencerport Ogden Farmers Library - 269 Ogden Center Rd.,
Spencerport, NY 14559, in the meeting room at the west side of the
library near the main entrance.
Time: 6:30pm Dates: 1/8, 2/12, 3/11, 4/8, 5/13, 9/9, 10/7, 11/4,
FREE TRAINING - radio controlled airplanes, all equipment
supplied, Tuesday 4:30 pm to dark, May through September Northampton Park
Click here for location.
Mission statement:
Trainer Group has as a Mission to introduce
the Public to the hobby/sport of radio control flying. The intent is
to allow anyone the opportunity to fly on a buddy box with a Member
of the RCCR using Club equipment. This is currently done on
Tuesdays, starting at 4:30 until dusk. Our procedure is to initially
offer 5 minute or more flights times as time and number of trainees
permit. We encourage trainees to return for more sessions until they
become proficient at controlling an airplane in flight. Take-offs
and landings will be practiced using the Trainees personal
equipment. We will guide them into getting an airplane suitable for
trainees, and then continue to help them using their own equipment.
Getting suitable economically reliable radios suitable for
“Buddy-boxing” should be a priority. We will encourage them to join
the AMA, and The Club. We will teach safety Rules and Field
Policies. We will encourage them to schedule sessions besides just
Tuesdays using their own equipment. We will introduce them to
Computer Simulators, if they have a Computer available. Depending on
the individual’s persistence and skill level, the process will
probably involve a full season. VIDEO click link
AMA Calendar Schedule of Events