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Monroe County Parks Department
click here for pictures of Northampton Model Flying Field by Cappaj1 |
The AMA has sanctioned the Northampton flying site and the RCCR was given the responsibility to ensure that the field layout and conduct at the field meets the AMA guidelines. The Monroe County Parks dept relies upon the RCCR to establish policies and monitor behavior related to all model flying activities |
![]() (Updated October 2005) 1. Radio Control model aircraft only. 2. Flying hours are 10 am to sunset 3. An observer for full-scale aircraft is required 4. Do not fly higher than approximately 400 feet 5. Do not fly west of northwest boundary wind sock except when taking off or landing 6. Engine testing is to be performed in the designated area 7. Tuesday evenings from 4 PM till sunset are reserved for training (May through September) 8. A current AMA or MAAC license is required 9. Model flying must be in accordance with the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code 10. Only people essential to flight operations are permitted in the pit area 11. Channel numbered clothespin must be in your possession and your license must be displayed on the frequency board before operating your transmitter 12. Transmitters must be impounded when not in use 13. Maximum of four planes in the air at one time 14. No taxiing within the pit area 15. Flight operations must be from designated pilot stations. 16. All engines (except for small displacement .09 cubic inch or less) must have an effective muffler (no open, flow through, or stack type mufflers) 17. Carry-in, carry-out. 18. For safety reasons, it is strongly recommended that you do not fly alone If assistance is required to enforce the rules, CALL RCCR PRESIDENT BILL STAUBER (585) 723-1122 CALL PARKS DEPARTMENT AT (585) 637-2345 CALL RUSS SCHIOLINO AT HIS HOME (585) 293-1795 (It will be helpful to identify those who do not cooperate with name and AMA number.) |
RCCR Turbine Policy (approved
Maiden or test flights of turbine powered aircraft are not
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Radio Control Club of
Rochester Presentation to Monroe County Parks Advisory Committee October 21, 2004 Radio Control Club of Rochester (RCCR) Was founded in 1960 for the purpose of enjoying building and flying radio controlled model airplanes. Is a chartered member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and our fields comply with the AMA safety rules i The AMA is the chartering organization for more than 2,500 model airplane clubs across the country. ii. The AMA offers its chartered clubs official contest sanction, insurance, and assistance in getting and keeping flying sites. Flying sites are located in many Parks nationally. iii. The AMA is the world’s largest sport aviation organization, representing over 170,000 members. Maintains flying fields at Northampton Park and Black Creek Park i. Northampton is used for powered RC flight. ii. Black Creek Park is used for glider and non-fueled powered planes. iii. Both fields are insured with “Additional Insured” Certificates issued under the AMA liability insurance policy. Such certificates provide $2,500,000 of primary liability insurance coverage to flying site owners, sponsors, governments or organizations. iv. All users of both fields must be members of the AMA and therefore individually insured by the AMA. Established Northampton Park Model Flying Field in cooperation with the Parks Department in 1967 i. The runway is 90 feet wide and 600 feet long. ii The field has comprehensive safety features such as flight stations, pit area, frequency board and a spectator’s fence. iii. We provide field maintenance and mowing which has no cost to the County and have had an extremely cooperative relationship with park supervision and employees. iv. We posts field rules which are reviewed and updated yearly. Has 95 members. i. Several other club members and numerous non-club individuals from throughout Monroe County use the Northampton field. (no record is kept for non club members) ii. On a good weather day you may find 20 flyers using the field throughout the day. Provides free training to anyone interested in the hobby and maintains a trainer plane to give spectators introductory flights with an experienced instructor using a buddy box system. i. In an average year we will train 49 students whose ages range from 8 to 80. ii.In the past two year we have given 27 spectators introductory flights on the trainer plane. Is involved in community activities i. Monroe County Celebration of Flight event in 2003 (Sponsored by the Rochester Monroe County Airport) ii RC training for Edison Tech aeronautical students 2001 to 2003 iii June fun fly at Northampton when weather and ground conditions permit Has a standing Field Monitoring Committee whose objective is to continue maintaining good relationships with neighbors in the area surrounding Northampton Park by proactively monitoring all R/C modeling activities in and around our model flying field, identifying any activities that the neighbors may find objectionable and suggest appropriate corrective actions We believe our presence reduces vandalism. We have aided other park users. We used to offer a day of volunteer services to the park like painting the park office building, but have been prevented from doing that by Union demands that Union people be used. We would be willing to do that again if supported by Park Management. RCCR contact: Trevor Ewell 225-9530 |
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Following is a chronological record of noise problems at Northampton Park in 1999 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May 25, 1999
Northampton Park Attendees: Lance Kepler, neighbor at 4875 Sweden - Walker Road, 63~3432, Norm Wright, Councilperson, Town Of Sweden, 637-2144, Jerry Joseph, 244-1981 and Trevor Ewell, 225-9530, RCCR clubmembers, 6315 Mill Pond Road, Byron New York, 14422,, and Dave Rinaldo, Russ Sciolino, Allen Cassady, staff of Monroe County Parks. Minutes: The meeting started with introductions. Lance Kepler then explained the reasons that he circulated a petition against excessive model airplane noise last year and why he is continuing to complain this year. He stated that the planes fly from morning to dark everyday and they are like flying chain saws. In the past they have even crashed near his residence. He seemed to suggest that some with muffled motors are preferable to others that have a high pitched whining motor. The members responded that the club, which has been in existence at the park for 32 years, does have a muffler requirement but that often the culprit of the noise could be the plane design, body vibration from mounts, propeller type and even engine sizing for different models. It was mentioned that a wind out of the east increased the noise drift toward residential. It was also discussed that non- members of the club are hard to control and that at times they may not pay as much attention to issued rules and that these users could be a source of isolated problems. They are working with their members to reduce noise in a number of ways. The club has installed a set of flags at the west end (residential end) of the field and club members are required to fly with an observer and not to fly west of the line. It was discussed that it was difficult for flyers to determine the line due to poor depth perception from that distance. It was also suggested by the club members that they might be willing to move even further to the east and to require club members to make their west edge turn at the current starting point. This move would require some ditch work and earth moving to develop the easterly portion of the field for model airplane purposes. Norm Wright indicated that the Town of Sweden had an excellent operator that might be able to be of assistance in any such earth moving effort if it was decided to shift the field to the east. Last year there was a noise survey team assembled that measured different types of noise and tried to determine the objectionable noises. It seems that another such survey group should be formed this year so that a good data base of information could be formed. Norm Wright, an RCCR member, Lance Kepler and a County Park representative would make up the survey crew. It is felt that more feedback through this group experience could focus on the specific problem so that solutions could be addressed. The club members explained that they are actively attempting to share knowledge regarding noise reduction techniques such as softer mounts, reduced vibration in propellers (can sound like a drum) and correct engine sizing. They would continue to pass information along to members regarding new innovations. It was discussed that we need some method to control the non-members and the thought of a Department issued card was advanced. This addresses the "private club" problem of a publicly operated model airplane field in a park. We can not attempt to make everyone a member but we can assure that they are proficient at flying, have proper certifications, have proper equipment, will follow the rules of the field and are issued cards for posting on the board while flying. David Rinaldo will investigate and put the material together for such a card program. Another such County parks card program in existence was identified by a club member. David will bring the information back to the group. Lance Kepler stated that he was not trying to drive the club out of the park. He is just trying to ask for cooperation with neighbors of the model airplane field. It was decided to adjourn the meeting. Everyone seemed to agree that excellent communication occurred and that the following action items were important results of our discussion. Action Items: RCCR will set up a survey team, invite members as indicated above and establish a data base David Rinaldo will develop the operator card program Al Cassady will do the minutes and fax a copy of attendees to Norm Wright
On June 17, 1999,
6:00 PM, a group of 18 people met for the purpose of observing the noise
created by model airplanes. The group was divided into
four parties, one position at the field and three observation positions:
Following the sound measurements at the field, the six planes were each flown, one at a time, at full throttle, on an East-West pattern, and on a Northwest-Southeast pattern. (It was also noted that 10 full-scale planes flew over the observed area during the approximate time of 1 hour 30 minutes. MODEL SPECIFICATIONS
Noise is the same on both flight patterns (E-W & NW-SE) Plane is further away on NW-SE pattern. ** E-W pattern is less noise than NW-SE
June 21, 1999 Mr. Eric Johnson Dear Mr. Johnson: Here is a summary sheet of
noise observations we made during test flights of Thursday, June 17. I believe the observations support the conclusions that we are not making excess noise, and the Northwest runway does not offer any significant improvement. We will continue to use all present model runways. We will work within the RCCR club to try to make model airplanes quieter. We encourage Lance Kepler to visit us and tell us when we have a particularly loud airplane, or are flying out of bounds. We would appreciate your
circulating a copy of these results, with your conclusions, and our
offers of noise and flight control to all those present: Sincerely, rfm November 5, 1998 Meeting with Parks Department was very informative to all concerned parties. Decision from the Parks Department to re-open the field has not been made, and the field will remain closed until further notice. COPY OF LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENTS OF RCCR AND RAFC November 11.1998 Mr. Allen Cassady, Parks Director 171 Reservoir Avenue Rochester, New York 14620 Dear Mr. Cassady, MODEL AIRCRAFT SAFETY RULES As you requested at our November 5 meeting, here are the safety rules that the Radio Control Club of Rochester (RCCR) and the Rochester Area Flying Club (RAFC) follow and enforce at the Northampton model flying site. Our
absolute rule is that we will give right of way to full scale aircraft,
and will not fly in proximity to them. To ensure this condition, we put
the following practices in force:
December 2, 1998 |