(Updated October 2005)
RCCR members only 2. A special pass, issued by RCCR, is required
3. No restrictions on flying hours 4. Keep vehicles off all runways.
5. A current AMA or MAAC license is required 6. Model flying
must be in accordance with the AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code
7. Only people essential to flight operations are permitted in the pit
area 8. Channel numbered clothespin must be in your possession and
your license must be displayed on the frequency board before operating
your transmitter 9. Transmitters must be impounded when not in use
10. Maximum of four planes in the air at one time 11. No taxiing
within the pit area 12. Flight operations must be from designated
pilot stations. 13. All engines (except for small displacement .09
cubic inch or less) must have an effective muffler (no open, flow
through, or stack type mufflers) 14. Carry-in, carry-out. 15. For
safety reasons, it is strongly recommended that you do not fly alone
If assistance is required to enforce the rules, CALL
RCCR PRESIDENT BILL STAUBER (585) 723-1122 (It will be helpful to
identify those who do not cooperate with name and AMA number.)
Security requirements mandated by the anti-terrorism preparedness act
requires suspicious activity be reported to 1-866-427-3287