![]() last updated | ||||
![]() | Duane Fregoe 585 210-8310 President RCCR | VP Programs | ||
![]() | Ed Britton 585 309-4348 VP Membership | Mike Rotherforth 585 321-1445 Treasurer | ![]() | |
![]() | Dick Brook 585 746-5668 Secretary | |||
![]() | Scott Miller 585 738-1046 Al Large | Dave Hoffmann 585 544-1871 At Large |
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![]() | Jim Capuano 585 739-6040 At Large | Trevor Ewell 585 225-9530 At Large | ![]() | |
![]() | Jerry Joseph 585 244-1981 At Large | Ron McGrath 585 414-7450 At Large |
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![]() | Ed Wingate 585 637-7772 At Large | Paul Dittman 585 637-3343 At Large | ![]() | |
WEBSITE Jim Capuano | ||||
The following are the purposes for which this organization has been established: To foster, cultivate, and encourage the interest of members in the construction, design, operation, improvement, and use of models of aircraft, boats, automobiles, and other moving devices and machines, including particularly all aspects and phases relating to radio control of such models. To encourage among the members closer personal acquaintance and friendly spirit of mutual cooperation. To gather, receive and disseminate such information as may seem helpful to the members, to interchange ideas in rendering mutual assistance and to provide helpful vocational advice with reference to aforesaid models. To encourage the promotion and establishment of subsidiary local clubs fostering such model building and to improve, maintain, and conduct club and recreational facilities. To purchase, lease, rent, sell, develop, mortgage, convey or otherwise acquire or dispose of real and personal property necessary or proper for carrying out of the purposes of this corporation in such cities and communities as the directors in their discretion deem wise; and to erect, equip, and maintain social club houses and other appropriate buildings for the use and enjoyment of all members of the club upon and under such terms and conditions and subject to such rules, regulations and restrictions as the directors may from time to time determine. To publish and circulate publications of any kind and description relative to radio control model building. MEETINGS are at Hasman May to
September, and Ogden Spencerport Library September to May, Meetings consist of a business agenda, committee reports, and task assignments. This is followed by show- and-tell and an informational program featuring, videos, live demos, and invited speakers; on subjects relating to the hobby. The show-and-tell gives the members a chance to show off and discuss their latest projects, and stimulates a lively exchange of facts and tips. Participation in the show-and-tell enters the member in a cash prize drawing at the December annual business meeting. Explanation of Dues: QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP You must have a current Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) license to join and maintain RCCR membership. AMA license application blanks are available at club meetings and most hobby shops. The license provides secondary liability insurance coverage and contest participation privileges throughout the USA. License fees and options are listed on the application form. ACTIVITIES The RCCR sponsors several AMA sanctioned events each year for both power planes and electrics or sailplanes. The club also sponsors displays of models at shopping malls to stimulate interest and maintain public relations. Social activities also include the annual Banquet and Roast, and several picnics during the year. FLYING FIELDS The club operates three separate fields, two which the RCCR developed and maintain in conjunction with the Monroe County Parks Department. The field in Northampton Park is to be used by other clubs and the public. An AMA license is all that's required for use. Rules are posted at all fields and must be observed at all times. New pilots are encouraged to take advantage of several instructor pilots we have available to teach flying. Anyone can learn to fly if trained properly. Contact can be made at the field, especially Tuesdays after 4 PM, and also at the semi-monthly meetings. The Hasman Field is located on the West Ridge Road Airport, on the north side of Ridge Road (Rt.104), approximately 1 mile west of Union St. (Rt.259), across from the Quickfill gasoline station. This field is private and for members only. Visitors are welcome when the gate is open. Additional membership benefits include a monthly newsletter and helpful assistance to novices in building and flying model aircraft.
![]() RCCR President Duane Fregoe State of the RCCR 2024 This was my first year as president of the club and the first order of business was to get some chili back into the annual New Year’s Day Chilly Chili Fun Fly.Sixteen people got to enjoy four delicious pots of chili along with other tasty treats. With a light dusting of snow and no wind, flying conditions were perfect for large tires and floats. I sent the AMA information on our event and RCCR was mentioned in the AMA blog featuring New Year’s Day flying events around the country. The next order of business was to have a meeting with the officers and board of directors to review the current status of the club. We needed a written record of the current term expiration dates for each officer and board member. We also discussed the distribution of the meeting minutes, bringing back the sign-in sheet at each meeting, helicopter/multi-rotor night, end of summer picnic, updating the club brochure, a monthly activities calendar noting items the club must do throughout the year, and an update to the 2010 Bylaws. Indoor flying at the Terry Taylor School continued through the winter on Friday evenings from 6:00 – 9:00 pm. The annual roast was held at Pinewood Country Club on February 10th.Cheryl Wingate was kind enough to handle the raffle prizes for the women. Scott Miller was Man of the Year and Todd Husted was a unanimous selection for the Broken Prop Award. Mike Rotherforth took the lead on the annual Brighton High School Festival of Ideas that took place on March 2nd. Several club members helped the day of the event to make it a success. Tuesday night training began the 2nd week of May. The electric trainer plane was very busy this summer. This year we were able to buddy box new pilots that had a RTF Hobby Zone Aeroscout using their new plane. Mike Rotherforth set up his own plane on a buddy box to help get more people in the air. Many thanks to all the club pilots that make training night such a success. Training night was also advertised for free in the Suburban News, Kids Out And About website, and Beyond the Nest website. On Thursday nights we tried a Heli/Multi-Rotor night. Had a few people show up before some windy and hot evenings showed up and my schedule got too busy to keep pushing it along. More members are acquiring small helicopters and giving it a try which is good to see. The Ray Edmund’s Memorial Fun Fly was held on June 29th and 30th. It rained pretty much all day Saturday. Many club items for the swap were sold under the tents during the rain. Flying was limited to late Saturday and a slightly windy Sunday. Despite the weather the event was still a financial success. Scott Miller was the CD for this event. The Northampton Field and the Hasman Field were in great shape throughout the flying season. Many thanks to the mowing crews at both sites for their time and dedication to keep the fields in such great shape.Hasman Field had an extra bonus this year. No corn was planted for the first time in 3 years. That corn grows pretty tall. WhatsApp has become a very popular group chat app for notifying members who will be flying at Northampton or Hasman fields. It was decided to make it only available to current members as a small perk of membership. The club Bylaws from 2010 were due for an update. Some members reviewed and offered changes. I collected all the notes and inserted the notes and other changes into a working copy of the Bylaws to be reviewed again by the membership.Looking for a final approval in early 2025. On August 3rd and 4th the Hal deBolt In-Memorium Fly-In. This is held in association with the Vintage RC Society. After many years at Hasman Field it was moved this year to Northampton Park for a two day event. The turnout was less than anticipated with 5 pilots and Sunday was cancelled. This will be the last year for this event. There has been talk of a World War I Vintage Fun Fly for 2025 on this same weekend. Dave Mack did stain four of the larger and newer flight stands at Northampton Park. They look great. Some split wood was replaced on some of the tables and some added lumber installed to reinforce the tables. Dave also had funds approved to build 4 new flight line tables this winter for the 2025 season. On September 21st we brought back the end of season club picnic at Northampton Park. It was a great day for flying and eating. Around 35 people were in attendance. Hot dogs were served along with other food items brought in by members. 2023 ended with 85 members and 2024 will end with 90 members. A big thank you to all the members that help keep this club flying along. ![]() RCCR President Bill Stauber State of the RCCR 2015 Hello folks, this is my third term as RCCR Club President. We are halfway through the third term. My good friend Jim Capuano, our VP of membership, coerced me into writing this RCCR State of affairs, as I have neglected the last couple. Thanks Jim for the notes and help. Our Annual RCCR Banquet and Roast on Feb 7th turned out great! Cheryl Wingate graciously volunteered, again, to handle the gifts for the women. Thanks go to Matt Kirsch for heading up the roast. Dick Foster was made an Honorary RCCR Member because we would not take loosing him as a member. Roy Moseley was named 2014 RCCR Man of the year. Congratulations, Roy! Well deserved. The Annual RCCR SWAP Meet was held on Feb 21st and turned out to be one of our many successful swap meets. We received good news that our founder, Don Steeb, made a full recovery from double Pneumonia! Our good friend, Jerry Joseph, again organize the BHS Festival of Ideas, which was held Mar 7th. Other Volunteers brought in flight simulators, model magazines, Vapor style RC aircraft for training, and display models. Thanks to those who helped make this a successful event. The Annual Northampton Park Employee ‘Thank You Luncheon’ was held. Thanks to Trevor Ewell for heading this up, yet again. Club members took advantage of indoor flying at the East Main St Armory, Syracuse Symposium and Buffalo Fairgrounds. Beppe Fascione was CD for his third annual Hal deBolt Memorial event at Hasman Field on July 18th, which was attended by over 19 pilots, plus 12 spectators, including pilots from New York, PA, West Virginia and Delaware. Food was provided by the club. Beppe won Rudder Only, Don Steeb won the Champ category and Dave Hoffman had a Peashooter. Thanks to Matt Kirsch for providing a great lunch, and to Beppe for hosting the event! The club’s own Devin McGrath joined the USA team for their first visit to the 2015 FAI F3p World Championship Indoor event in Poland. An online raffle and T-Shirt sale took place to raise money to help with the transportation cost. Congrats to Devin, who placed 14th out of 65 F3P World Champions competing in Warsaw. Matt Kirsch acted as CD for our Annual RCCR June Fun Fly on June 27th. This year was a complete washout, but thanks to all who volunteered to set up for this fun fly. On August 15th and 16th, the Canandaigua Sky Chiefs and the RCCR co-hosted the AMA District 2 Fly In at the Chiefs field, and it was a rousing success! Four thousand dollars was presented to the Canandaigua VA Medical Center from the proceeds. Wegmans donated $250 for veteran’s meals. The Patriot Guard and Daughters of the Revolution were there. Devin McGrath and Ken Valez provided demo flights for the crowd. Paul Weigand was Contest Director for the event. Campers started arriving on Thursday from all across District II, for this event. RCCR voted unanimously to donate our portions of the proceeds to The Canandaigua Chiefs. At the annual NEAT fair, in the Rare Bear competition, Mike Dorofy won the $280 prize for landing his Rare Bear closest to the cone. Ed Wingate purchased Lithium Ion Rx batteries, with regulators, for trainer planes, and again headed up the training program with his expertise. Phil Evans proposed a series of Hasman improvement projects, not to exceed $1000. Gravel was put down for the entrance road at Hasman, among other improvements. I would be remiss if I didn't thank the two mowing crews. Both Crews do an excellent job at our fields and keep everything running smoothly. Jim DeTar reported that our annual $100 Mercy Flight donation was once again received and acknowledged. Craig Donaldson added fresh flowers to the John Floyd Memorial at Northampton. New signage was added to the entrances to Northampton park to make the flying field easier to locate, once inside the park. Ed Britton and others headed up the effort. Member Joe Wilkowski received a complimentary 2015 membership for bringing his tractor to North Hampton Park and helping with the Fun Fly. Roy Moseley again headed up our donation fund raising and had about $1500 worth of donations for the June Fun fly. Thanks to Matt Kirsch for the list of things he did for the club, including bringing the precooked pulled pork, brisket, etc., to the Annual End of Season Picnic and Hal DeBolt fly in event. Nominations were made for Board members, to be voted on in at our last meeting of 2015. Beppe Fascione has started a local Rochester chapter of the Vintage Radio Control Society national organization, for vintage RC enthusiasts. It will be known as the Rochester Area Vintage Flyers. Beppe submitted one of his vintage RC aircraft to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and it was accepted to be put on display in the museum! Thank you to all, for making our Club one of the
finest Radio Control clubs that exist. The friendships that we have can
never be replaced. Value
each other, and have Fun!
See you at the field! ![]() RCCR President Bill Stauber president RCCR 2010 - 2012 State of the RCCR 2012 2013marks the 56th year of continuous operation for the Radio Control Club of Rochester. Rounding out the leadership of the club for another couple years, Dick Brook Secretary, Jim DeTar Treasurer, Jim Capuano V.P. Membership, Ron McGrath V.P. Programs. The board of directors are Ed Britton, Phil Evans, Jerry Joseph , Matt Kirsh, Scott Miller, Joe Somers, Pete Durante, Trevor Ewell , Greg Kesel, Mike Mance, Pappa Jeff Ring, Don Steeb, Bob White, and Ed Wingate. Jim Capuano also doubles as our web master. All of the Officers worked hard throughout the year of 2012. Their efforts do not go unnoticed. We have had great participation from our club members over the last three years. When we put together work parties we always seem to get a good response. Our lawn and maintenance crews have never let us down and continue to serve us well. A big thank you to these guys and their dedicated service. Our Club Roast and Sixth Annual Swap Meet we're a success and a whole bunch of fun. Our first event was the Chilly Chili “Fun Fly” where members get in their first flights of the year. I believe Phil Evans was first in 2012 congratulations Phil. Phil Evans was also named Man of the Year .The day after our Roast, members gathered at Our Mother of Sorrows Church to set up for the sixth annual Swap Meet. The swap meet is growing every year. Matt has been doing a great job cooking his pulled pork and serving it for lunch ,thanks Matt. The June Fun Fly is our biggest event of the year. The Fun Fly had good weather and was well attended. Campers were set up on the Friday before the fun fly. Its good to see everyone so eager to socialize ,enjoying themselves and the excitement on their faces. The Great Electric Fun Fly was a little less congested than our June Fun Fly but was also well attended. With the new parking lot it has become much easier for the set up, and tear down of these events. All seemed to go well with concessions stands and all the tasks associated with putting on these events. My thanks to all, for the hard work. The club remains on solid ground financially with the help of these events. This reminds me of a special thank you to Roy Mosley, for organizing and soliciting vendors for raffle prizes. This was no small feat and a Hugh success this past year!! My thank you to all involved for making this Club stand out and being leader in the hobby. I have heard from visitors of different clubs ,our own members ,the public, and AMA Personnel , on what a great club we have. What they are really saying is what great people we have in our Club . Whether your very active in the club or not ,YOU ,are an important part of our success. Continue to reach out to others in your friendly way and promote our hobby. Let's Enjoy our hobby and each other, isn't that the whole idea. Every once and a while we are reminded in an instant ,how precious our friends and family are. God Bless you and your Family this year. See ya at the field , happy flying for 2013! RCCR President Bill Stauber president RCCR 2010 - February 2011 2010 marks the 53rd year of continuous operation for the Radio Control Club of Rochester. Rounding out the leadership of the club for another couple years, Dick Brook Secretary, Jim DeTar Treasurer, Jim Capuano V.P. Membership, Ron McGrath V.P. Programs. The board of directors are Ed Britton, Phil Evans, Jerry Joseph , Matt Kirsh, Scott Miller, Joe Somers, Pete Durante, Trevor Ewell , Greg Kesel, Mike Mance, Pappa Jeff Ring, Don Steeb, Bob White, and Ed Wingate. All of the Officers worked hard throughout the year of 2010. Their efforts do not go unnoticed and in my opinion are an example of what make this club great. This year we lost several club members. Jack Bartlett, Jim Warner, John Floyd and Norm Marasco. Our prayers go out to their families. Our happy thoughts of these fellows stay with us on and off the flying field. They will be missed. Roast and Forth Annual Swap Meet Our first event was the Chilly Chili “Fun Fly” where members get in their first flights of the year. I believe Dick Peterson was first in the sky this year followed by Phil Evans who was trying to be first. Second isn’t to bad Phil! Craig Donaldson was named Man of the Year at our annual Roast. The Golden Screw and Busted Prop award were received by a one person very deserving of both, Ron McGrath. The day after our last Roast, members gathered at Our Mother of Sorrows Church to set up for the forth annual Swap Meet. The swap meet is growing every year. Matt has been doing a great job cooking his pulled pork and serving it for lunch thanks, Matt. June Fun Fly Late in 2008, the club brought a proposal to the Monroe County Parks department to double the size of the Northampton parking lot. Two short years later in 2010 we see our project almost completed at no cost to the our club thanks to our Monroe County Parks Department. The Fun Fly had good weather the first day and was well attended. It rained on the second day clearing up in the afternoon. The addition of the new parking lot afforded us the opportunity of less work during set up and tear down. Campers were set up on the new parking lot side of the park and no one go stuck this year. All seemed to go well with concessions. Overall the 2010 Ray Edmunds Fun Fly was a financial gain for the club. Electric Fun Fly Our electric meet in August was well-attended again this year. This is my favorite meet. Not as big a Ray Edmunds Fun Fly in June but is growing every year. Conclusion I want to take a moment and thank all the people who have helped the club over the past year. I won’t and can’t name everybody. I would probably forget someone. This includes all the workers in all the events. It also includes the people who have helped the club financially in 2010 with the generous donations. I would also like to thank all the people and members who have supported our efforts one way or another over the last year. All in all 2010 was a good year for The Radio Control Club of Rochester. We are however reminded, from time to time, how fragile life is and to enjoy each others company. God Bless you and your Family this year. Enjoy RCCR President Bill Stauber president RCCR 2010 - Hi guys and gals. After the "so called" last election I find myself President of the RCCR, starting in January 2010. The RCCR is one of the finest clubs in model aviation due in no small part to the great people we have in this club. We enjoy several departments within our club. We have the tech department, the lawn and garden department and the eating and social dept. Once and a while we even enjoy the flying department. I like them all !! I have been interested in model aviation as long as I can remember thanks to my Father. As a kid I started in free flight and U-control and when those crashed I started the motors and just flew them. In the early days I learned to fly R/C on a 3 channel Hal DeBolt champ, with a super tiger 23 and a Orbit system. I put more Aeromasters together than I cared to count. I knew the bug bit me from then on. Over the past 45 years or so I have been trying to learn how to fly. To me there are three parts to modeling, building, flying and buying. I think I'm best at buying, but I do love the other two parts as well. I now have a basement full of airplanes electric and nitro, big and small. I enjoy the company of my fellow modelers and can't wait for the next time to go flying. Isn't that what this hobby and club is all about? Well just a quick hello, have a safe and happy holiday season. I look forward to working and flying with all of you this next year. If any of you get the chance please come to our annual roast and dinner Feb 12th 2010 at the Lodge On The Green. I went for the first time last year and it was a great event. See Matt Kirsch for Reservations. In closing please join me in giving Matt Kirsch a pat on the back for the outstanding job he has done as President over the past few years, Thank you Matt! |
![]() Matt Kirsch president RCCR 2004-2009 Ive been interested in R/C aircraft for as long as I can remember, but never really had the resources to do it the right way until the summer of 1998. Thats when Great Planes Real Flight came out. I bought a copy, and proceeded to destroy approximately $2,000,000,000 worth of R/C aircraft before I got the hang of it. A couple of visits to the Batavia clubs flying site at GCC to watch the real thing, and I could stand no more. Two weeks later, I had a brand-spanking-new Easy Sport ARF ready to fly. I got one lesson from KeVelez in Batavia, then discovered Northampton Park and Tuesday training night. A friendly fellow by the name of Joe Somers stood by for my first two flights there. On that second flight at Northampton, flight #3 total, I took off, did a rough touch-n-go, and landed. Since then, the whole thing has mushroomed nearly out of control I now have 20-odd planes in various states of repair, I fly R/C combat, I train new pilots on Tuesday nights, and now Im President of the RCCR in my third year as a member. Ill fly anything with wings, as evidenced by my eclectic collection of aircraft ranging from a 5 oz indoor flier to a 13-pound, ¼-scale CAP232. There are R/C airplanes in nearly every room of my apartment. Anyway, Im looking forward to working with all of you in 2004 and beyond. The RCCR is a great club full of great people that work hard to make this hobby fun ! |
State of the RCCR 2009 Matt Kirsch, RCCR President 2009 marks the 52nd year of continuous operation for the Radio Control Club of Rochester, and the new year brought along with it two new club officers. Jim Capuano, who stepped up to fill in for Bob White as interim Membership Director in 2008 was officially appointed as Membership Director at our December 2008 membership meeting. Additionally, after several years in various officers' positions, Ed Britton decided to retire from “public” life, leaving the position of VP/Programs Director open. Bill Gerew stepped up to take the appointment as VP. Rounding out the leadership of the club, Dick Brook and Jim DeTar each agreed to a marathon fourth term as Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. Our board of directors remains unchanged. Through the dogged efforts of Jim Capuano bringing in renewals and our easygoing, friendly recruiting style, the club's membership burgeoned to 121, an achievement that former membership director Bob White will not be allowed to forget any time soon, tongue in cheek. The RCCR once again filed for, and achieved, AMA Gold Leader Club status. This honor has been maintained by the club for most of its existence. We count ourselves lucky this year in that no active club members were lost to illness or other circumstances during the year. Of course there were the usual injuries and a couple of serious surgeries, but everyone is still here to enjoy the hobby. Former member Ed Dickinson did pass away late in the year, however. Roast and Third Annual Swap Meet About 6 weeks after our annual Chilly Chili “Fuhn Fly” where members get in their first flights of the year, and participate in a chili cookoff, the club's busy event schedule began. Jim DeTar was named Man of the Year at our annual Winter Banquet / Roast for his tireless efforts as club treasurer, while Trevor Ewell, fresh out of the hospital from surgery, received the Trainer Cord award for his tireless efforts on Tuesdays during the summer. Several less serious awards were also handed out, including the Golden Screw received by Scott Miller, and the Busted Prop received by Bill Stauber. Less than 12 hours after the conclusion of the Roast, members converged on Our Mother of Sorrows Church to set up for the third annual Swap Meet. We had clearly outgrown the limited space at the Rochester Police Locust Club, and the church basement where we hold our meetings gave us the room we needed to take the meet to the next level. Public Education Programs Brighton Festival of Ideas, Rochester WINGS, Boy Scouts at NH, Trainer Night Continuing our tradition of providing educational programs to the public, our first program was in early March at the Brighton High School Festival of Ideas. In previous years, we have focused on the building aspect of the hobby, sending participants home with AMA Cubs or unique paper airplanes. One question always asked about the radio control airplanes is, “can we fly one?” This year, we could actually say, “YES!” The introduction of the E-flite Vapor in 2007 finally provided us with an easy-to-fly airplane that could be flown comfortably inside the Brighton gymnasium, so we were able to hook up buddy boxes and give the kids honest-to-goodness lessons. After some stick time on one of several R/C simulators located around the room, the best flyers were given the chance to get a few minutes on a real R/C airplane. The kids ate it up. St John Fisher's Science Fair in mid-May gave our free-flighters the chance to show off their building and flying skills, as well as enjoy a nice wine-and-cheese dinner. Rochester International Airport hosts their annual WINGS open house and general aviation trade show, where the public is welcomed on to the airport grounds to tour the facility. This year the event was hosted at the National Guard hangar on the first weekend of June. Once again, we took the opportunity to promote our comparatively “budget minded” form of aviation. Despite the second wet summer in a row, where it seemed to rain only on days ending in “Y”, and twice as hard on days starting with “S”, only a couple Tuesday Trainer Nights were missed. Whether it was because Tuesdays were the only sunny days, or the hobby is seeing an upswing in popularity, trainer nights were significantly busier than in 2008. Late in the season a request came in from club member Phil Evans to put on a program for his the Boy Scout troop his daughter and son-in-law lead, and several members were happy to oblige. On October 3rd, several members converged on Northampton to put on one final trainer session. Over 30 Scouts and several of their parents got a taste of radio control flight on the club trainers even as rain clouds threatened overhead. The weather held off and everyone who wanted to fly got a shot. June Fun Fly Late in 2008, the club brought a proposal to the Monroe County Parks department to double the size of the Northampton parking lot. Early in the year, we rented a Bobcat and Brush Hog from Davey Tree Service, along with Davey employee and club member Jim Bloechl to operate it, and cleared the brush from our proposed parking lot area in a massive work party. Unfortunately, and we didn't know how unfortunately, the grading and gravel wasn't completed by the parks department in time for our June meet. It rained on and off during the week prior to the meet, but the North side of the field was passable and the weather forecast was encouraging, so we proceeded to set up as usual. A brief shower in the morning prompted the campers to set up on the high ground instead of their normal area, which turned out to be a good idea, as storm clouds were starting to build. Shortly after lunch, a red spot appeared on the weather radar and passed just to the South of our location. We exhaled a sigh of relief, and inhaled a mouthful of rain water as that red spot suddenly grew and the skies over Northampton opened up. By the time all was said and done, the entire runway was under inches of water, and it flowed like a river for hours afterward. After the rain, the parks department dropped off the picnic tables with their 4x4 pickup, giving us a false sense of security. The arrival of Dan and Rich Landis heralded the beginning of the first, and hopefully last, RCCR MUD FEST. Dan's mother's 4x4 Suburban dropped in to the axles where the parks department had driven just 20 minutes before without leaving a mark, and we spent the better part of two hours getting them unstuck. We smartly made the decision to ban vehicle traffic on the North side of the field and park the participants and spectators out on the park loop road. Saturday was a beautiful sunny day, and the turnout was spectacular despite the parking issues, but the threat of rain on Sunday prompted the campers to bug out early. Vince Mancuso had a literal “freedom train” of three 4x4 trucks pulling his enormous trailer out to solid ground. All through the weekend, Ron McGrath and his trusty Tundra redeemed themselves by towing many of the stuck vehicles to safety. Of course you recall that Ron got mired in the sticky mud at Bolling in early 2007... Overall the 2009 Ray Edmunds Fun Fly was a minor financial loss for the club, but our first self-catered pilot's dinner was a resounding success, and actually turned up a little profit. Electric Fun Fly Just when we were convinced the entire summer was a washout, mid-August brought a break in the weather. Quite literally, the weekend of our Electric Fun Fly was the only completely dry weekend of the summer months. Our electric meet was unusually well-attended, no doubt due to the great weather and dry conditions. We held the meet on the South side of the field for the second year in a row, and even accommodated several campers this time around. Alas, the parking lot was still not complete, but building on lessons learned in 2008, we were able to get everyone parked without incident. This year's Great Electric Fun Fly was easily the most successful ever, and more than made up for our bad luck in June. Days prior to the annual membership meeting, Dave Rainaldo of the Monroe County Parks Department has announced that the parking lot extension will be completed in early December. With any luck we will have it available for our meets in 2010. Conclusion 2009 once again proved that it's never a boring year at the Radio Control Club of Rochester. Year after year, we continue to prove what can be accomplished when a group with a common interest puts aside petty and insignificant differences to work toward that goal. |
State of the R.C.C.R. 2008 The Radio Control Club of Rochester had to say goodbye to an old friend in 2008. For 20 years, Bolling field served the club as primary flying site, as home to every club event at one time or another and as the source of more than a little controversy. Owner and long time friend of the club Pat Bolling decided the time was right to sell the land to another local farmer. The new owner, Kludt Farms, decided that more money could be made growing corn on the land than leasing it to our club, and decided not to continue with the lease agreement we had with Pat. We thank Pat Bolling for the generous use of her land all these years. Bolling field did not go down with a fight, however. When the day finally arrived to remove the last of our items from the field, spring rains had turned the area into a sticky muddy mess. Most of the vehicles that drove into the field ended up getting stuck, even the four wheel drive. Unfortunately, Bolling was not the only friend we lost in 2008. Long time honorary, and ever enthusiastic club member Len Cataldi passed away in February. Another long time club member and father of RCCR staple Greg Kesel, Bob Kesel passed away in January. Club friends Chris Snelling, Tony Mangus, and Jim Messer also passed during 2008. Losing a flying field is never pleasant, but as the old cliché goes, every cloud has a silver lining. The summer of 2008 also saw gas exceed $4.00 a gallon, and Bolling easily used between 1/3 and half of the club’s gas budget each year. Moving the container to Northampton allowed us to relocate the former RAFC shed and tear down the old metal shed, opening up the parking and spectator area tremendously. While we were in the mode of making improvements at Northampton, the grounds crew planned and executed Phase II of the Northampton drainage project, installing several hundred additional feet of drainage tile and crushed stone in the pit and spectator areas. It took about an hour. Hasman field received its share of improvements. There were a few hours left on the trencher, so Hasman got a stretch of drainage tile of its own. Later in the fall, a large stretch of the hedge row along the north-south runway was cleared to allow for better visibility of full-scale traffic. That took about an hour, too. There was no shortage of club-sponsored events during the year. As always, the year kicked off with the Chilly Chili Fun Fly. February brought our annual Winter Banquet and Roast where Ed Wingate took home the honor of Man of the Year. Our second annual Swap Meet & Auction was a lot more swap meet than auction, but it proved to be a great fundraiser for the club. Educating the community, especially kids, is one of the primary functions of the RCCR. Each March we put on a program at Brighton High School for their Festival of Ideas, and in May a crew participates in the St. John Fisher Science Fair. Interest in our free Tuesday night training program at Northampton Park was up this year, with several new pilots graduating from our program by completing their first solo flights, and dozens taking their first flights courtesy the club’s two trainers. Trainer night almost came to an abrupt end early in the season, when the club’s trainer equipment was stolen. A concerned citizen recognized the missing equipment as belonging to the club and secured its return. Unfortunately, the thief or thieves were never positively identified. Both our big flying events were held at Northampton Park this year. We thought we’d get a chance to try an alternate layout on the North side of the field for the Electric event, but a month of particularly rainy weather forced they layout to be completely alternate. Monroe County Parks, concerned about damage to the North side of the field, asked that we not hold our event there. Our only choice was to host the event from our normal flying facilities, and what we discovered was that the South side of the field makes a great place to host an event. The natural downhill slope of the area between the parking lot and the spectator fence turned into prime festival seating. Setup and teardown were a snap, because all the facilities were already in place. About the only shortcoming of the South side was the lack of parking, though a proposal has been sent to the Monroe County Parks Department to expand the Northampton parking lot. Wrapping up the flying season was the shortest club picnic on record. In Rochester NY, being able to spend more than forty seconds outside in short sleeves in early October is a true miracle. The weather was so nice on the day of the picnic that people were cleaning up to head to Northampton field a mere 90 minutes after the official start of the picnic. On the political front, AMA District II interim VP Gary Fitch, who took over for Dave Mathewson when he was elected AMA president, made a bid to become our elected district VP. It’s now official; Gary has become our district VP. Closer to home, long time membership director Bob White has retired from the position after close to 6 years in the office. Our new membership director Jim Caupano has hit the ground running, and it looks like he’ll continue in the tradition of dogged determination that Bob established during his tenure. Between Jim and Bob, 117 members were wrangled for 2008. Many thanks to Bob for his years of service to the club; Jim will be looking for your membership check on January 2nd. Without the dedication and efforts of the many volunteers in this club, this club simply would not exist. Literally thousands of man-hours are worked, hundreds of miles are driven, and dozens of bad Greek lunches are consumed to the benefit of the club. Those of us who benefit from their efforts owe these individuals a huge debt of gratitude. Somehow the measly work credit we offer doesn’t seem like enough, but then again, if we let them all get off scott-free, the club treasury would be broke!
State of the R.C.C.R. 2007 Matt Kirsch, RCCR President Fields and field improvements were the name of the game for the R.C.C.R. in 2007. After 40 years, the drainage system at Northampton Park desperately needed an overhaul, so an ambitious plan was formulated in late 2006 to remedy the situation. Our success in fund raising this year allowed us to take on the project, so in September, a massive work party descended on Northampton with a Ditch Witch, two truckloads of crushed stone, and a roll of perforated drainage tile. 130 man hours later, the Northampton runway was framed with stone-filled trenches. Reports from the field indicate that the drainage is working very well. After a two years of excavation by Monroe county, the wetlands expansion project at Black Creek Park was completed in early fall, and a new runway put in place for gliders and electric planes. Unfortunately the location and angle of the new runway is less than ideal, so we have formed a committee to work with the Parks Department to develop a better solution. There is plenty of room to swing the runway to a more useful heading, and the Parks Department has been more than willing to hear our suggestions. While they make no promises, it looks very favorable that we will have a great new fly park flyer field in 2008. None of this would be possible if not for the tremendous efforts of our field crew. One of the primary reasons for the existence of this club is to provide flying facilities to its members, which makes these guys the backbone of this club. If you’ve run a mower, picked up a shovel, rake, or chain saw, please accept this club’s humble thanks. If you haven’t, make sure to shake the hand of someone who has and express your appreciation. 2007 marks the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Radio Control Club of Rochester. We chose to celebrate this milestone rather quietly, with a special logo and commemorative shirts (some of which are still available), and the institution of two new traditions. First is the “Lifetime Achievement” award, given out at the February Roast. This “Cracked Crystal” award is given out by the President and recognizes the longest-standing active members of the club for their ability to tune the rest of us out. Second is our 50th Anniversary Swap Meet. Held the day after the February roast at the Rochester Police Locust Club, it was so successful that we decided to make it an annual event. At this year’s February Roast, Bob Gears passed the Broken Prop award on to Bud Kelly, Greg Kesel reclaimed the coveted Golden Screw, and a very deserving Ed Wingate (eventually) took home the Trainer cord award. Man of the Year went to RCCR president Matt Kirsch, and the inaugural recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award was Don Steeb, an active member of the RCCR for its entire 50-year history. Seven must be a magic number for the RCCR, because 2007 also marked a major milestone for our annual June Fun Fly. We’ve been holding the event in honor of Rochester model aviation patriarch Ray Edmunds since 1988, making this our 20th annual event. We would be hard-pressed to put on a better event. Those that came to watch left with an eyeful, those that came to fly left with empty fuel jugs, and those that stayed for our traditional Saturday dinner left with a stomach full. The club came out with a pocket full, of cash that is, which was turned around and put straight back into the field this September. We’re not quite sure how many years we’ve been holding the Electric Fun Fly at Bolling field in August, but it’s been growing little by little year after year, and has turned into an “average” sized fun fly. The weather finally cooperated after years of rain and/or heavy winds, so attendance was way up on both sides of the pit line. The big technology push this year wasn’t with electric-powered aircraft as one would expect. Any advances there were completely eclipsed by 2.4GHz spread spectrum radio technology. It’s been around for a couple of years, but the “wait and see” crowd has finally started to break down and embrace the advantages. Impound traffic at both fun fly events was down by an estimated 50%, though pilot sign-ups were up from previous years. The convenience of not having to worry about being shot down by another radio on the same frequency, among other advantages, has people buying up these radio systems faster than Futaba and Horizon can get them to stores. A moderate summer with respect to weather didn’t help our training program. Overall, training activity was fair, but not spectacular. Many people gave R/C aviation a try on one of the club’s two Sig Kadet-series trainers, and several people soloed. What was up this year was membership. From appearances, the club gained more members as a direct result of our Northampton training program this year than in a long time. Membership was up to 110 this year from 102 in 2006. Overall, the summer was great for weekend flying events, with members participating at many area fun flys. Events hosted by other local clubs, including the RAMS, Canandaigua Chiefs, Phelps Sky Rovers, Batavia Club, Lockport Balsa Dusters, Hamburg Flying Knights, to name a few, were mostly held under reasonably quiet skies, a far cry from the near-complete washouts of 2006. Interest in club combat picked up this year, too. Even though we only had two events, one in July and another in September, both events were dominated in attendance by club members, forcing two heats per round. Two heats per round in a local event is something to brag about, by the way. Back in the spring, we made our annual appearances at three major events. First, the Brighton High School Festival of Ideas in March: Our AMA Cub building program is always a hit with the kids, and this year we had two simulators available so the kids could try out R/C flying for themselves. Of course, most simulator sessions devolved into contests for who could cause the most spectacular crash, but everyone had a great time, and had an AMA Cub to take home as a souvenir. Second, the Rochester Wings open house at Rochester International Airport: This one mostly turns into a reason for the club members to get together, hang out, eat (of course) and look at the “real” planes. This event devolved into a contest of who could make the most spectacular crash on the simulator too, but hey, it’s a lot cheaper than crashing the real ones… Finally, the St. John Fischer Science Fair: Our more refined club members handle this event, and enjoy a complimentary wine and cheese dinner for their efforts. On the AMA front, the RCCR applied for, and received the Gold Leader Club status from AMA headquarters in Muncie, IN. We’ve been a long time Leader Club, but various circumstances caused us to miss out on the award for the past couple of years. Regaining Gold Leader Club status is no small achievement. AMA presidential elections were also held this year. Long-time District II VP and friend of the club Dave Mathewson made his second bid for the presidency, and won the election! Congratulations go out to Dave as we look forward to his administration. If one were to choose a word to describe the RCCR in 2007 overall, that word would have to be “up.” Many thanks go out to each and every member of the RCCR for everything they’ve done for the club this year, be it simple patronage through dues, participation at meetings, pitching in at club events, or maintaining the fields day in and day out. It’s the members that make the club. |
2006 Radio Control Club of Rochester Annual Report |
2005 Radio Control Club of Rochester Annual Report By Matt Kirsch, RCCR President Membership In terms of sheer numbers, 2005 was a bit disappointing, with membership peaking out at 91 in the early fall. This is down from last year’s total of 96, but quality is really more important than quantity. There was a bit of a shake-up in the officer’s ranks this year, with Ed Britton making the move to VP/Program Director, and Bob White generously stepping up to take over for Ed at the Membership Director’s position. Unfortunately, 2005 was also marked by the loss of two RCCR members. George Pearce passed on in early July, and while not a member of the RCCR in 2005, George was a member of RCCR for many years. More recently was the loss of Bob Stuhlmiller who passed away after a short illness in early November. He was a regular in the Northampton “morning crew,” and his presence is surely missed. Training # Training numbers from Dick Foster will go here # Field Monitoring Committee In 2004, a committee was formed to monitor flying activities, particularly at Northampton Park. The charge of this committee is to spearhead the effort to reduce the amount of noise produced by our planes. During 2005, the committee evaluated many planes both subjectively and objectively, and was able to successfully quiet down some planes through simple prop changes, and assist a handful of others with objectionably loud planes to reduce the noise. There’s still a long way to go, and it’s important that we don’t forget that we’re all responsible for keeping the noise down and ultimately, keeping our flying fields open. June Fun Fly 2005 marked the RCCR’s triumphant return to Northampton Park for the annual Ray Edmunds Memorial Fun Fly. Despite 108.5 degree heat, pilot turnout was among the best ever, and spectators came out in droves to witness the spectacle. The concession crew moved record numbers of dogs and drinks and made this one heck of a fund raiser for the club. Moving our event to the 4th week of June certainly appears to have been the correct choice. Great Electric Fun Fly Stiff mid-August breezes were the main attraction at this year’s Great Electric Fun Fly, keeping many of the smaller planes and more timid pilots grounded. Fortunately, R/Cers tend to be a social bunch, the weather was nice, and there were plenty of red hots, sodas and ice cream to go around. Other Events Once again, the RCCR began the year with its Chilly Chili Fuhn Fly, and perfect flying weather considering the fact it was January 1st. This event is getting bigger each year. In 2005, several members of out-of-town clubs came to fly and compete in the chili cookoff. February brought the annual RCCR Winter Banquet, more popularly known as “The Roast.” Between being crowded into a small room with no sound system, and being served prime rib that was still practically mooing at the staff’s leisure, we collectively decided to seek out a new location for next year. While the roast beef wasn’t well done, several members left the event a bit charred around the edges after being honored for various dubious distinctions. March was a busy month, with both the Brighton High School Festival of Ideas, where we mixed it up a little this year by trading AMA Cubs for more flying demos and a paper airplane building contest. April brought a new event, an indoor demonstration with the Town of Hamlin. Our annual participation at St John Fisher’s science fair rounded out the building season in early May. We just couldn’t let the first week of June go by without an RCCR event, so we had an SSC combat meet. Unfortunately, it was the only organized combat meet we had this year, though Monday Night Fights at Hasman remained popular. This was the second year we attempted to hold all summer meetings at Hasman Field, and we were much more successful at it. In contrast to last year’s shouting matches inside the rain-pounded kettle drum that was Norm Hasman’s temporary hangar, this year we were able to hold relatively civil meetings out at the flightline. The outdoor meetings continued into September, involuntarily, when the caretaker of Salem Church failed to show up to open the church for us. That issue has been since resolved, and we are still welcome to hold our meetings at the church as we have for the past several years. Normally, the annual end-of-season picnic, held on October 10 this year, signals the end of club-related activity. This year, the club has been invited to present a brief history of R/C to the Hilton-Parma Historical Society on December 19. |
2004 Radio Control Club of Rochester Annual Report By Matt Kirsch, RCCR President Introduction: The year 2004 began as usual, with our customary New Years "Chilly Chili Fuhn Fly," but with one major difference. Weary from his years at the helm of the RCCR, Joe Somers stepped down as President of the club, and newly elected President Matt Kirsch took office. As has become the tradition, the chili cook off, and the race to be the first plane in the air on New Year’s Day highlighted the event. Spring: Ed Barrows, Al Sertl, and Al Koza, all friends and members of the RCCR, passed away during the late winter and early spring months of the year. Ed Barrows, a long time member of the club, never really did much flying, but he certainly put his time in at the wheel keeping the grass at Bolling Field in check. Al Sertl, a more recent addition to the club, was guaranteed to be at nearly every club meeting and function, always ready to lend a helping hand. Al Koza, a member in years past, was best known for his role behind the counter at the Hobby House in recent years. All three will be missed. That part of the year where it isn’t quite nasty enough to stay inside and built, but isn’t quite nice enough to be outside flying was once again the perfect time to participate in education programs. RCCR attended both the Brighton High School festival of ideas and the St John Fisher College Science Fair in the spring of 2004, and put on a presentation for the elementary school children of Neil Armstrong School in Gates. As the weather began to warm in late spring, the rain began to fall, and fall, and fall. This year's was one of the soggiest summers in recent memory, but despite the weather, we managed to hold all our events at their scheduled times, and under reasonably acceptable weather conditions. It seemed as the spring wet season came, but never left. Training: Almost unbelievably, the rain seemed to decide to take most Tuesday nights off from May through September. Even if it was raining, you could almost be guaranteed that clouds had parted over Northampton, or someone would be out in the rain looking for flying lessons. The rain seemed to scare many people off, however, as training numbers were down a bit from last year. A total of 31 people came for lessons with their own equipment, and 17 more took test flights on the club trainer. While the total number was down from last year, it’s still significantly higher than the 2001 and 2002 statistics. An unusually high number of students made their first solo flights this summer. June Fun Fly: The first weekend in June brought our annual Ray Edmunds Memorial Fun Fly. For the third year in a row, the event had to be moved to Bolling Field due to excessive rain. While Saturday was a bit of a bumpy ride, Sunday was absolutely perfect for flying, and many participants stayed well beyond our scheduled end time of 3:00PM. Between the tremendous generosity of Ed Barrows' estate, and the overwhelming influx of donations from various manufacturers and vendors, impressive raffle items were given away at regular intervals during the entire event. Both pilot and spectator attendance was phenomenal, considering the sudden change of venue. Hopefully with the move to the 4th weekend in June for 2005, we can hold our June Fun Fly at Northampton and draw an even larger crowd. Combat: SSC combat has become quite popular in the club, and this year, we had four well-attended meets, in June, July, September, and October. This class has proven to be so much more fun and less stressful than other classes of combat that it enticed a few former combat pilots to come out of retirement. Summer Meetings: This year it was decided that the RCCR hold all meetings in June, July, and September at the Hasman field location. This turned out to be a reasonably good idea for half the meetings, and a tremendously dumb idea for the other three. Seemingly ever-present rain drove those meetings inside Norm Hasman's temporary hangar. At some points during the meetings, it became necessary to shout to be heard above the downpour pounding on the canvas overhead. Electric Fun Fly: Late August brought about a rare weekend of good weather, and our annual Great Electric Fun Fly. While not as big a draw as the June Fun Fly as far as participation goes, it has proven to be equally as much fun for those who do participate. Once again, many big-time sponsors came through with great raffle items, and the event even attracted a local vendor, Niagara Frontier Hobbies. Town of Hamlin: To show our gratitude to the Town of Hamlin residents for their support of our activities at Bolling Field, we held an open house on Saturday, September 19. While not nearly as large in scope as our Centennial of Flight event in 2003, this event was more successful. Due to the smaller number of participants, we were able to spend more time with each student. By the time they were finished, many were able to make complete circuits of the field completely on their own, and some were even successfully completing basic aerobatics. To further extend our gratitude, we are planning an indoor event with the Town of Hamlin in the spring of 2005. Ebay Connection: Thanks to the dedicated work of our Ebay Connection team, the generous donations of the estates of Ed Barrows and Al Sertl, and many members' need to rid themselves of excess gear, the RCCR was able to afford some much-needed improvements at both Bolling and Hasman. These included crushed stone and fill to repair the driveways, and the rental of a heavy industrial roller to flatten and smooth the runways. Coupled with the dedicated work of our dedicated grounds crews, these two fields have never looked better. Of course, Northampton was a swamp due to the rain, but two out of three certainly isn't bad. At the end of the season, there were enough funds left to purchase a new lawn tractor to replace the oldest, worn-out unit, along with a new lawn sweeper. Membership: Membership numbers were down slightly from last year, more than likely due to the weather, and possibly due to the economic climate. Numbers peaked at around 96 members by the end of the year, with several new memberships coming in unusually late in the year. Two new Lifetime Honorary Memberships were awarded this year, the first to Ed Grainger, who left for greener pastures and better lift in California, and the other to Shirley Hunter, Al Sertl's wife, who has joined the AMA and become an avid aviator since her induction. Field Monitoring Committee: Past issues at both Northampton and Bolling fields prompted the formation of a field monitoring committee late in 2003. The committee was tasked with forming and executing a plan to make our flying fields quieter and less obtrusive to the neighboring properties. While the excessive precipitation made it a relatively quiet, pun intended, year for flying, the committee was still able to take some noise measurements and try several methods of reducing the noise generated by our airplanes. Coupled with more conscientious flying from club members and non-member Northampton regulars alike, we were able to effect real change in the perception our neighbors have of our activities. 2004 had its highs and lows, its wets and drys, its ups and downs. Incessant rain kept the ground soggy, but spirits remained high and dry, as did the airplanes. |
2003 Radio Control Club of Rochester Annual Report By Joe Somers, RCCR President We had 102 members down from 111 members last in 2002 We Lost; Norm Neal, he passed away on January 1st. Norm was a long time member of RCCR. Jim Warner, he announced that he tied the knot, in Nashville, with his fiancé Carol We welcomed Jim DeTar, Treasurer, Matt Kirsch, Vice President and Program Manager, Ed Britton, Vice President of Membership, and Dick Brook, Secretary. EBay Connection: Ed Britton and Matt Kirsch: To date, the EBay connection has earned about $1500 for the club. The latest sale was a turbine-powered jet kit which netted the club $350. Last fall we discovered that Bolling field was infested with grubs. A work party spent about six hours raking and spreading three truckloads of soil and then seeded and rolled the runway and field. The Chili Fuhn Fest was a success. We had over twenty members and a couple of spectators at the Hasman hanger on New Years morning. The flying started just before nine when Pete Fiorentino took off with his electric SIG Rascal. There were about 15 planes and only one was damaged due to reversed ailerons. There were nine entries in the Chili Contest and Dick Foster was the winner. The February Roast was a success again this year with 60 people attending. Randy Meyers was the MC. Pete Durante is The Man of the Year for 2002. Matt Kirsch received the Trainer Cord Award for 2002. The Bylaws were approved at the February 12 meeting. The Field rules were reviewed and updated. Bob White, a new member this year, has made frames for the field rules and field photographs. Ed Britton obtained Contest Director Status. Bud Kelly and John Floyd spent a good part of a day moving maintenance equipment into place for the season and they built four new AMA style startup tables for Northampton. It was a slightly wet spring this year. I think it rained every Saturday from the beginning of May through most of June. We had to cancel the first combat meet on May 24th because of the rain. The June Fun Fly location was change from Northampton to Bolling because Northampton was a swamp for most of the spring. The Brighton High School Student Fair was a success. This year we decided to have the students build and fly the AMA Cub. Jerry Joseph received a letter from the Brighton Festival of Ideas committee thanking the club for participating in their event. A $100 check to the club was included with the letter. The Club also participated in the Celebration of Flight event at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, the St John Fischer College Science Fair, EAA static display at the Piedmont hanger at the Rochester Airport, and the Celebration of Flight event at Northampton Park. The June Fun Fly at Bolling was successful again this year. Even though the weather kept spectators away on Saturday the weather on Sunday was great and we had a good turn out. Thanks to everyone who worked the event. The Electric Fun Fly was also successful. Thanks to Jerry Joseph and Pete Durante for CDing the event, to Dick and Judy Foster and Dick and Gail Peterson for running the concession stand The new fence installed last fall at Northampton is working well. Tom Forsyth donated to the club, among other things, a Bushnell Range Finder, a Sig Cavalier which was auctioned off to Bob White, and a Telemaster which was purchased by Bob Knyrim. Due to a proposal presented by Al Sertl and the generosity of Ed Granger the club is now owns an altimeter which can be mounted in a plane and transmit the planes elevation to a receiver on the ground. The club purchased a Global Position System receiver to help find planes lost in the high grass and bushes around our fields. Bob White donated a compass to be used with the GPS system. Bob White constructed a banner for towing behind Bob McClure’s Sig Kadet Senior. It is made from nylon sail cloth, with large RCCR logo and “RCCR” lettering. The Club posted a sign at Ledgedale Airport which identifies the location of Northampton flying field to encourage full scale pilots who use the airport, to avoid flying over our flying field, especially when they takeoff to the East. The sign is adjacent to the fuel pumps at the airport. Bob White led the effort to have the sign made and installed. Dick Foster has received permission from Norm Hasman to use one a tractor to plow the driveway this winter making the hangar area available for flying. A condensed version of “The Story of a Marine Aircrew Man in WWII” was in four issues of the 2003 newsletter thanks to Editor Judy Foster and the Marine/writer Gerry Merz. Training for the Edison Tech RC class began on Wednesday April 30th. Trevor Ewell, Charlie Leichliter and Bob Guay transported the students from the school to the field and back again Training on Tuesday night did very well again this year. According to Dick Foster’s records, we have had up to fourteen trainees a night this year when the weather was good and eleven trainees have joined the club. The Celebration of Flight event in August helped. The Club Trainer was a popular ice breaker. The year end picnic, at the Ski Lodge on October 12th, attracted 40 members and guests. The Interclub Picnic Fun Fly was held at the Skyrovers Ford Field on McBurney Rd, Phelps, NY on August 31st. The Skyrovers did a great job with the field, the food, and the weather. RCCR had about 10 members at the event. A Committee has been formed to review field procedures. The election for President will be held at the General Meeting on December 10th. SAFETY FIRST AND FLY QUIETLY Joe Somers RCCR President 2003 |
2002 Radio Control Club of Rochester Annual Report By Joe Somers, RCCR President The flying season turned out to be pretty nice during the summer after the wet spring start. All four of the flying fields have been in great shape thanks to our great ground crew. We have 111 members. We Lost: Bob Horn passed away on April 26th. A member for approximately 10 years. Left RC equipment to the club that resulted in nearly $1000 donation. Gerhard Drewel passed away September 7, 2002. A member for many years last active year was ’98 – Donated Stieglitz bipe kit to club – Steve Kruger donated $100 to club for the bipe Ray Forman moved to Iowa with his wife, Myra. Dick and Judy Foster became newsletter editors at the beginning of the year. A new printer was purchased for the club. It is faster than the one that was used before and it will print on both sides of the paper, which is saves time. The printer is in the custody of Ed Britton. Bob McClure is continuing as master of the WEB. Paul Weigand CD’d the June Fun Fly. Jerry Joseph and Pete Durante CD’d the Electric Fun Fly. Jim Warner and Pete Durante CD’d two combat meets. Bob McClure recommended that the show and tell award be raised to $100 and then proceeded to win the Show and Tell drawing for 2001. The February Roast was a great success we had over fifty people in attendance. Thanks to Randy Myers for being Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Trainer Cord Award was awarded to Bob James. The Man of the Year for 2001 was given to Joe Somers. We put on a static display for the Brighton High School on March 16th for their Festival of Ideas program. We also put on a demonstration at the Science Fair at St John Fisher College on May 15 & 16. Club members pledged $70 to Al Gundy’s son for the Walk for Special Olympics. We made the news in the paper. An article was in the “Our Towns” section in the June 12th edition of the Democrat and Chronicle. Shiela Rayam, staff writer for Our Towns, wrote a nice article about the model airplane hobby that was entitled “Just Plane Folk”. We moved the West End culvert at Northampton to the East End. George Steger painted all the signposts. Ed Barrows donated the use of his Simplicity lawn tractor for Bolling field. Tractor was stolen. Training started on Tuesday, May 7th at Northampton. Training was slow in the beginning because of the weather. Norm Marasco donated a Sig Kadet Mark II plane, complete with an engine and radio, to be used in training. We had approximately 70 people at the field and about fifteen student pilots at training one night this year. The June Fun Fly finally got off the ground. The weather just didn’t want to cooperate. Northamptom was like a swamp for the first two weekends in June so the event was moved to Bolling field for the 8th and 9th. The Bolling field turned out to be a nice venue. Dick and Judy Foster did a great job in organizing the concession stand. New signs were made and installed at Black Creek Park. The Electric Fun Fly at Bolling field was a success. We had over thirty flyers registered on Saturday and Sunday. Thanks to Jerry Joseph and Peter Durante for being the CD’s. Dick Peterson and Al Sertl ran the concession. The two combat meets were successful. Thanks to Carole, Jim Warner’s bride to be, and Al Sertl and Dick Peterson for running the concessions. At the June 26th meeting at Hasman field we were fortunate to have Josh Moore, Jon Arney, and Todd Roeder put on a demo of RIT’s Senior Telemaster equipped with a video and data downlink. Ron McGrath demo’d some night flying at the August meeting at Hasman field. Steve Kruger, VP and Program Director, is going back to college in August. Matt Kirsch agreeded to finish out Steve’s term. Mike Mance accepted an evening position with Harris Corporation. Dick Brook volunteered to take over as secretary to finish Mike’s year. Bill Wegman and another man retrieved a sailplane from a tree in Black Creek Park. We reviewed the field rules and By-laws during the fall meetings. Monroe County tried to rain on our parade but decided to keep the parks open next year. Thanks to Trevor Ewell for going to the Monroe County Legislature meeting on October 8th to present our position to the County Legislature The year-end picnic at the ski lodge was another successful event this year. About forty members and guest enjoyed the day. Thanks to Dick Peterson for getting the supplies and doing the cooking. The Great Northampton Fence Party was a success. The cost of the fence was paid for by the sale of items donated to the club from Bob Horn’s estate. At the April 24th meeting the Edison Tech RC class attended our meeting to give us an update on their accomplishments. Last year the members of RCCR donated equipment to the Edison program. Terry Miller, the program instructor, attended our meeting on October 23rd, announced that he will be retiring at the end of this school year, explained the state of Edison’s program, and asked for help. Charlie Leichliter answered the call for help and is working with the kids at Edison. Dave Mathewson, our District II VP from the AMA, sent us a photo of our brick at the AMA Headquarters Walk of Fame. Dave Mathewson also attended our electric fun fly on Aug.11th. Hasmen and Northampton Park have new startup benches thanks to The John Floyd and Bud Kelly Startup Bench Company. John Floyd and Ed Barrows put a new roof on the shed at Bolling. We purchased two new tractors and thanks to Bud Kelly saved $273. Phil Evans reported Skunk damage to the ground at Bolling field. John will rethink the proper sequence of spreading the grub killer and fertilizer for next year. SAFETY FIRST AND FLY QUIETLY Joe Somers |